​General Site Information

Resource Guide for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing


Language Development

Excellent Professional Resource
​American Speech and Language Association
Speech and Language Traits of Children  
Stages of Language Development in Children
​Stages of Reading Development

Comprehesive Website with Excellent

Content and Resources 

From the chilling twists of Sylvia to the historical drama of Falling Idols, dive into two spellbinding books that explore the intricate world of deafness. Award-winning fiction meets a '60s fight for sign language – "a must-read duo!" by Author Billie Kelpin - Language Rocks Publishing

  ​Three Hearing Loss Types:
Effects and Common Treatments

The link above provides an excellent guide on types of hearing loss put out by the Alexander Graham Bell Association.

Note: While you will find this information helpful, it is important to understand that each organization on this page may have its own viewpoint on the education and approach to deafness.  We offer this link above for your technical knowledge and the link below to give insight into the fact that there are different philosophical approaches to the  education of deaf children and the culture of deafness in society (Alexander Graham Bell and Deafness)

Read Free Online Right Now
 at WinningWriters.com

Now available on Amazon:
  E-Book Only $2.99
 Paperback $5.50

Please email us if you find broken links or have a new links we can check out: mylanguagerocks@gmail.com

Deaf Resources...



Deaf Products ...

  • Harris Communications - Products and equipment for deaf and hard of hearing individuals (Added: 7-July-2001)
  • AdCo Hearing Products - Great line of products for the deaf educator as well as jewelry and gift items related to sign language.
  • Hear-More Products - full line of equipment for deaf and hard of hearing individuals
  • TJ Publishers - teaching materials for deaf and hard of hearing students. 

​Deaf Education: LINKS to Schools/Colleges,
Sign Language, Online Learning,  Products, Resources, and MORE!

​​​The Student Cafe Learning Games 
Middle School, High School, College, 

Life-long Learning

​​English                                           Social Studies


​Elements of Poetry

Elements of a Story

​Figurative Speech


Geronimo 1 Verbs

Geronimo 2 Prepositions

Geronimo 3 Parts of Speech

​Subject-Verb Agreement 1

Subject-Verb Agreement 2